Success Stories 2022

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

We praise Allah, first and foremost, who guides us, gives us the strength to implement His commands and then rewards us. 

With His help and your generous donations, the Foundation was able to help many in our communities. We started with a modest donation amount of $25,000 in the Ramadan of 2021 which grew three-fold to almost $75,000 in the Ramadan of 2022. The community members we were able to assist are in diverse situations. Some are families whose sole bread-winner was suffering from a chronic medical condition; some widows or divorcees struggling to feed and educate kids with no direct source of income. In some cases, we found both husband and wife working hard but unable to make ends meet due to economic circumstances and challenges specific to each family. Oftentimes, their situation is known only to a handful of people and the assistance they get may fall far short of what they need to live with dignity.

 This letter is share with you how the charity we collected was spent, and how we are progressing as an organization so that we continue to earn your trust and amanah.

Some examples of those your donations are benefitting, ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ

1.     A single mom with a schizophrenic child was barely able to survive on social security. We collected $12,000 and is now on monthly stipend of $600.
2.     A revert brother, 61 years of age, and with no source of income had a heart attack recently. He is also diabetic and is unable to walk. The foundation collected and paid the brother $8,000, he is now on Foundation's monthly stipend of $500.

 3.     A single mom with 6 kids, works multiple jobs and is unable to make ends meet. The size of her family required her to rent a bigger place and she was few months behind on her monthly rent.  The foundation collected and paid her $12,000. In addition, she is now on monthly stipend of $1000.

 4.     A single mom with 3 kids is working but unable to meet monthly expenses. The Foundation helped her stay in a hotel and relocate to a new apartment when her old apartment building was burned due to an accidental fire. The foundation collected and paid her $14K. In addition, she is now on monthly stipend of $750.

 5.     Another single mom with 2 kids, one of them with special needs, needed the community's help. The Foundation collected and paid her $2,500 and she is now receiving $750 every month.
6.     A widow with 3 kids, barely surviving and unable to pay the rent. The Foundation determined it was important to help her get on her feet and be able to work, as she is finishing her education.  She is now receiving $800 every month.

 7.     A low-income working couple, husband had a stroke then a heart attack, both lost their jobs and were behind in rent for many months. Foundation collected and paid $12,000 and is now on monthly stipend on $500.

8.     The Foundation helped a poor divorced brother get married to help him regain his kids from his ex-wife who is a Christian. Total assistance given was $13,000.

9.     The Foundation is helping a young revert brother who is terminally ill, pay his monthly rent of $1700.

There are numerous other cases where the Foundation was able to help other struggling single moms pay outstanding rents. While helping the families, we realize the sheer amount of need in our community and how much more is needed to help our brothers and sisters in need. While we will continue to support those who are in need and cannot support themselves due to debilitating sickness, the next milestone in our mission is to help these brothers and sisters stand on their own feet.


AbdulBaki Brahmia

Your brother in Islam


The Foundation for Local needy